Men's Health

Men need regular health checks. ReCreation Medical Centre offers a comprehensive health service with a strong focus on the health issues encountered by men.
Medical check-ups help you stay healthy, talk about any concerns and pick up early warning signs of disease or illness. Diseases such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes and some cancers can often be picked up in their early stages, when treatment may minimise or prevent complications and progress.
High-risk groups in Australia
Australia ranks high in life expectancy rates. However, Australian men do not live as long as Australian women. On average, Australian men can expect to live 79 years, compared to Australian women who can expect to live 84 years.
Certain male population groups in Australia have a lower life expectancy than the average Australian man, including:
Australian Aborigine and Torres Strait Islander men
Migrant men
Men who live in rural and remote areas of Australia
Socially disadvantaged men
Men with disabilities
Men who are in prison
Non-heterosexual men, including gay, bisexual and transgender males
Intersex people.
Prioritise your health
We offer sensitive medical care for issues specific to men including prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and mental health. When you book an appointment with us, you will be seen by Dr Mark Choong, who has a special interest in men’s health.
Prostate CancerWhat is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cells in the prostate gland in an uncontrolled way, forming a malignant tumour. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men in Australia and the third most common cause of cancer death. One in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer by the age of 85. It is more common in older men, with over 63% of cases diagnosed in men over 65 years of age. Prostate cancer symptoms Early prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms. Advanced prostate cancer symptoms can include: frequent urination pain while urinating blood in the urine or semen a weak stream pain in the back or pelvis weak legs or feet. More widespread disease often spreads to the bones and causes pain or unexplained weight loss and fatigue. Causes of prostate cancer Some factors that can increase your risk of prostate cancer include: age, increasing rapidly after 50 years of age family history of prostate, breast or ovarian cancer, especially BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations a father or brother diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 60. Diagnosing Prostate Cancer PSA blood test: the prostate makes an antigen; if this is detected in large numbers it may indicate prostate cancer or other prostate problems Digital rectal examination (DRE): the doctor feels for enlargement and irregularities of the prostate Biopsy: Tissue samples are taken from the prostate and tested for the presence of cancer. Talk about your treatment options and concerns with your doctor before making a choice as treatment options may range depending on factors such as: Age Physical condition Stage of prostate cancer And personal preference
Erectile DysfunctionWhat is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, means not being able to obtain or keep an erection that is sufficient for sexual intercourse. Many men have erectile dysfunction at some time in their lives. It can come and go. It is estimated erection problems affect about 1 in every 5 men over the age of 40. About 1 in 10 men cannot have erections. The problem is more common in older men. Erectile dysfunction is also called impotence. What causes erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction can have a range of causes, both physical and psychological. It is usually a combination of both. Sometimes there is no clear cause. Physical factors that can cause erectile dysfunction include: general ageing health problems that affect the nerves, like spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease reduced blood flow to the penis, caused by atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries) conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity or sleep disorders underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), growth hormone conditions, having too much cortisone alcohol, some medicines, smoking or substance abuse Peyronie's disease (scar tissue inside the penis) prostate disease, and treatments for prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate some medications used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression or prostate cancer hypogonadism — conditions where the testicles cannot make enough testosterone or sperm Psychological factors that can cause erectile dysfunction include: unresolved problems, conflicts or issues within a sexual and emotional relationship anxiety about sexual performance (this is most common at the start of a new relationship, especially if a man has had previous problems with sexual performance) stress problems with mental health such as depression When should you see your doctor? Many men experience erection problems from time to time. But if the problems continue, see your doctor. Diagnosing and treating causes like diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol can prevent or delay erectile dysfunction, or stop problems from getting worse.
Men's Mental HealthDue to a number of factors including social norms, upbringing and the role models we are presented with, some men’s mental health issues have gone unrecognised for a long time. Mental health issues common in men Loneliness: A feeling of sadness that causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people. Stress: A feeling of being under pressure and overwhelmed. Stress is experienced when there is an imbalance between what’s being asked of us and our ability to deliver or cope with the demands. This causes discomfort and distress and can lead to other men’s mental health problems including anxiety and depression. Although most commonly associated with working life, stress can be triggered by any number of situations including at home, social situations and on the sporting field. Depression: An intense feeling of sadness that lasts for a long time, sometimes weeks, months or years. These feelings can interfere with daily life, wellbeing and physical health. Anxiety: The most common men’s mental health issue in Australia, anxiety is a consistent state of extreme worry or fear about perceived threats, that is usually out of proportion to the reality of the situation. Anxiety is ongoing and can happen without any particular reason or cause. Speak to a health professional for help Most common men’s mental health issues can be successfully treated. The key is to reach out for help as early as possible to increase the chances of a faster recovery.